Thursday, September 25, 2008

fuck it!

you know how sick you are of the same thing everyday? fuck it. you know how annoyed you are at some people? fuck it. you know how tired you are of pleasing the people around you? fuck it. i am through with all that shit. i basically disappeared the past few months just to avoid the pretense of life that most people go for these days, why should i stop doing that now? it's stupid how some people are so full of themselves, pointing fingers and making comments about other people and they fail to look at themselves in the mirror. how fucking sad.

and i have got to find a way to deal with this.

to my brother, if you are reading this, your ticket is already on its way. hopefully it will reach you by friday next week. or next next monday. i really cant wait for you to come.

the last batch just left... their last week here. and next month there will be a fresh batch coming. then they will leave. then new people will be coming and leaving and that is how it's gonna be... people come. and then they go.

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