Thursday, February 5, 2009

closest thing to crazy

what is the craziest thing you have done? no doubt, i have quite a few. my friends would remember high school days...ohhhh the horror! oh the fun. taking things to the limits. the daring spirit. or basically the i-dont-fucking-care attitude. aahhh fun fun fun.

and no this isnt a post about... the crazy things i did. but i am pretty sure everyone has a bit of an idea of what kind of crazy things i did. and i am sure each and one of you has this. fuck it. i am not about to judge and so do you. it was fun while it lasted wasnt it?

no no... i am also not going to talk about what crazy things i did in france. nothing seems to really faze me anymore. or shock me. it's kinda sad. i grew stronger but at the same time, more emotionally...vulnerable. exposed. the need to retaliate and act out is... getting weaker which only shows just how... exposed i am. do we ever learn from mistakes?

besancon is so crazy grey and rainy and it is sooooo annoying. depressing. this morning started out really really bad. i missed the bus by a few seconds, i was just...behind it when it just....left. so i walked and rain started falling and it became heavier by the second. then the horror... i was walking when a car passed by tres rapidement et voilaaaaaaaaa... i got splashed and my books were messed up.

it didnt get any better during the day too. cause by the end of the first lesson, i was just tooooo tired. and the day dragged on and by 3 pm, i was only toooooooooooooo happy to be back home, all warm and snuggly. hugs anyone? at least lunch was good today.

i havent heard from anyone!!!!!!!!!! it's annoying. deebs, seem slike we're skyping again tonight. ahh i love you like i love my laughing cow. HAHA

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